Star-Studded Showcase: Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey Strike a Pose at Manhattan Television Event

In a dazzling display of glamour and grace, the iconic trio of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey took center stage at a star-studded television event in the heart of Manhattan. The event, held on February 13, 2016, not only showcased the charisma and talent of these three trailblazing women but also marked a memorable moment in the world of fashion and entertainment.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of TNT host, actress, and former SI swimsuit model Rebecca Romijn, Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, Ronda Rousey, SI...

From left to right, the portraits of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey present a powerful tableau of diversity, each woman making a unique and impactful statement in their respective fields. The event, hosted at the Manhattan Center, underscored the convergence of fashion, television, and empowerment.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of TNT host, actress, and former SI swimsuit model Rebecca Romijn, Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, Ronda Rousey, and...

Ashley Graham, renowned for her trailblazing work as a plus-size model and body positivity advocate, exuded confidence and elegance. Her left-to-right stance mirrored her journey towards breaking stereotypes in the fashion industry. Graham’s presence at the event not only celebrated her personal achievements but also symbolized a shift towards greater inclusivity and acceptance in the realm of beauty standards.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: View of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey viewing their respective covers on video screens on stage during...

Hailey Clauson, a celebrated model with her own unique charm and style, brought her signature poise to the stage. Positioned in the middle, Clauson’s portrait encapsulates the essence of contemporary fashion and runway allure. Known for her versatility and global appeal, Clauson’s participation in the event highlighted the industry’s embrace of diverse beauty standards.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey on stage during launch week televised event at Manhattan Center....

On the right, the portrait of Ronda Rousey adds a touch of athleticism and empowerment to the composition. Beyond her acclaimed career as a mixed martial artist and WWE superstar, Rousey’s presence underscored the intersection of sports and entertainment. Her poised stance captured the strength and determination that has made her a symbol of empowerment for many.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey posing on stage during launch week televised event at Manhattan...

The backdrop of the Manhattan Center provided a fitting setting for this illustrious event. New York City’s vibrant energy and iconic skyline served as a backdrop to the unfolding spectacle, adding an extra layer of grandeur to the occasion.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey posing on stage during launch week televised event at Manhattan...

As the three women struck poses on the stage, their individual stories converged into a narrative of empowerment, breaking barriers, and redefining norms. The event served as a testament to the evolving landscape of the entertainment industry, emphasizing the importance of representation and embracing diversity.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Casual portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey on stage during launch week televised event at Manhattan...

In the years since this momentous event, Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey have continued to make waves in their respective fields, leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion, television, and empowerment. The portraits captured on that evening in Manhattan stand as a visual representation of the evolving narrative in the entertainment industry—one that celebrates authenticity, diversity, and the power of individual stories.

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, and Ronda Rousey posing on stage during launch week televised event at Manhattan...

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, Ronda Rousey, and SI Swimsuit editor M.J. Day posing on stage during launch week...

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, Ronda Rousey, and SI Swimsuit editor M.J. Day posing on stage during launch week...

Swimsuit Cover Reveal: Portrait of TNT host, actress, and former SI swimsuit model Rebecca Romijn, Ashley Graham, Hailey Clauson, Ronda Rousey, SI...

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